Prevention Products
We have one product for sale in multiple formats.
The Building Blocks of Prevention is available in dry erase, matte and PDF download. Please choose a format that would work best for your situation - family, classroom, church or youth serving organization - there's something that will work for every environment!
How Does the Workbook Work?
In this video, our CEO, Alison Sutherland, walks you through each page of the workbook to give helpful expectations and insight so you can get the most out of your time with your child!
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"When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers."
Proverbs 21:15
Empowering Parents, Protecting Children
Disclaimer: Any resources available through Prevention Starts with Parents are not a substitute for contacting law enforcement or a child protection agency if you suspect abuse or neglect. If you or your child are in imminent danger, please call 911 immediately. The resources provided are intended solely for educational purposes and support in preventing child sexual abuse. These resources are built on best practice, research and experience. They do not guarantee any desired outcome or promise.