Shut Up and Listen: The Art of Minimal Facts Interviews
This class is only available to multidisciplinary teams or agencies that fulfill a role on an MDT.
Learning Objectives:
Define and explore what a minimal facts interview is and how they support successful child abuse investigations.
Understand child developmental stages to avoid confusion in child abuse investigations by asking appropriate questions to ensure accurate information for child safety and the investigation.
Develop your minimal facts interview skills to both support your investigations and engage your MDT and community in the sensitive nature of questioning children.
Prevention Partner Training
This class is available for any organization that serves or works with children.
Learning Objectives:
What does child sexual abuse look like from grooming into abuse?
What do perpetrators do to be in a position to sexually abuse children and continue the abuse?
How to prevent child sexual abuse as a professional and organizationally.
Best practices for what to do if you suspect a child is being abuse or if you receive a disclosure from a child.
Prevention Starts with Parents - What to Know and What to Do About It
We desire to not overcomplicate the responsibility of preventing child sexual abuse. Although child sexual abuse is complex, parents are truly in the best position to prevent these crimes. You don’t have to be a professional or have a specific degree. We will make you feel confident in protecting your children from sexual abuse, and how to approach this topic with your children.
Let's Book Your Class
Please use this contact form so we can get to know you and your training goals.
"When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers."
Proverbs 21:15
Empowering Parents, Protecting Children
Disclaimer: Any resources available through Prevention Starts with Parents are not a substitute for contacting law enforcement or a child protection agency if you suspect abuse or neglect. If you or your child are in imminent danger, please call 911 immediately. The resources provided are intended solely for educational purposes and support in preventing child sexual abuse. These resources are built on best practice, research and experience. They do not guarantee any desired outcome or promise.